prove the falsehood of a cancer myth (regarding cancer risk, screening, or treatment in the media)

Choose a myth about cancer risk, screening, ortreatment disseminated through media. Then using knowledge about various aspects of cancerand critical thinking skills, write an argumentative essay with agoal to prove the falsehood of the chosen cancer myth. This essay’s main objective is to provideevidence to support the falsehood of a chosen myth and develop a […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a macroeconomic event and explain why you believe that this event does influence management decisions and why it cannot be controlled by management. Select a specific industry and then identify and discuss a significant trend in supply or demand that directly influences managements pricing decisions

Nursing Theory and Evidence Based Practice

Read the case study on page 253 of your textbook.  Helen Soderstrom is the nurse who developed symptoms.  Use the online NKU library to locate an EBP article related to Helens symptoms. Initial Post: Read the article and answer the following questions: Was a nursing theory used as part of the articles content? Is this […]

Challenges facing IoT

The topic is Challenging facing IoT (Internet of Things)Paper should be minimum 14 pages of text, including title, summary, references, and table of contents. Keep in mind: Length is not a factor in evaluating case studies. There are excellent shorter case studies and boring long ones. Please make sure that spelling and grammar are checked. […]

Neisseria meningitidis

1- Define your favorite organism. Are there significantly different serotypes?2- Symptoms and complications: describe the early symptoms, disease progression, and possibleoutcomes caused by this organism.3- Reservoir: describe the presumptive sources of this organism.4- Transmission: how does this organism spread among human populations?5- People at risk: what are the populations at risk of infection? Which populations […]

prove the falsehood of a cancer myth (regarding cancer risk, screening, or treatment in the media)

a list of your sources in APA format (alphabetical by author’s name). Part 2: the summary and the evaluation of the source.must contain ten references, of which five must be primary research articles or scholarly literature reviews less than five years old. Each source should be summarized and evaluated in 100-150 words In Addition to […]

Clinical case discussion

A 5 year old child and her mother present to your clinic. The mother reports that the child has had a cough and sounds wheezy for the last 2 days. She states that the child always gets like this when she is sick. She also reports that the child has been complaining that her right […]

Clinical Case study

A 52-year-old male patient who is a house painter presents to the office reporting chronic fatigue and mild chest pain. When he is painting, the chest pain is relieved after taking a break. He reports that the pain usually lasts 5 minutes or less and occasionally spreads to his left arm before subsiding. The patient […]

Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts (attributed to Winston Churchill). Tell us about the failure from which youve learned the most. (200-250 words)

Write a failure you have learn from it most. To be honest I haven’t had any big failures in life. I have always organize myself and focus on my goals and early ever failed. If you could come up with an ideal writhing 200 word could that would be great

Geriatric case study

Guidelines: Select a patient that you have encountered in your clinical practice with a chronic health problem. Interview the client/family members. Include the following information Setting: Community clinic, Private practice, Skilled nursing facility, Home health Clinical information:     Chief complaint, HPI, PMH, PSH, FH, ROS, PE, Diagnostic Testing, Medical Decision Making, Diagnosis/Clinical Impression, Plan/Interventions, […]

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