Help Needed

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  REMEMBER Please include a peer-reviewed APA reference, utilizing the correct format for the referencing. The clinical supervisor that a counselor in training has can greatly influence an individual’s development as a counselor. Fortunately, I already work with the person who is going to be my […]

Social Work-Crisis Intervention-Bullying

  They are to be 1 page in length maximum  They are to be centered on a topic of interest related to Social Work, and there should be some connection of the topic to crisis intervention 

Genetically Vigorous Populations Paper – 1050 to 1400 Words

  Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about genetically vigorous populations. Include the following items: Genetic Diversity: Explain the importance of genetic diversity and how genetic diversity in plants and animals supports long-term viability, biodiversity, and biotic integrity. Describe specific examples of at least one plant population and at least one animal population that lacks genetic diversity, […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read this and write a two-hundred-word summary. I’ve listed some questions relating to Arendt’s thinking that you could answer to help as a guide as you work: What is public space? How does it relate to freedom? What is agency? What are the its three criteria? How does it relate to public spaces? The […]

research methods

Having read about various disciplinary methods and written a literature review accounting for relevant secondary sources, reflect upon and respond to the following: What disciplines have you identified as most relevant to your research question? What methods are typically valued or emphasized in these disciplines? Are any of these methods relevant or useful to your […]


As this well-known HRSA report on healthcare workforce analysis predicted, several states and specialties will experience a shortfall of trained medical workers. Recent confirmations of such shortfalls have been reported by and  Although shortfalls of trained medical workers are not uncommon, they become concerning when linked to the highly concentrated geographical distribution of […]

Paraphrasing and summarizing

Choose one source from the articles on your topic and provide an example of paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing with appropriate APA formatting. Make sure you label each section and include the original source for the paraphrase and quote (See the sample here). Make sure to include proper signal phrases as shown in Week 4’s instructional […]

Transportation and Distribution cost problems faced in tyre industry in india

This is a case study for a company, they have given the challenges, i need to tackle those challenges and find solution as mentioned in the documents. Need to include SWOT and PEST analysis, need to add reference and zero plagarism. These are the instruction given from the office.1.      Assignment should be a […]

The Getty Kouros

You are to write a short, two-three-page essay on the Getty Kouros, examining the evidence for it either being an authentic work of art or a forgery. Be sure to introduce the artwork, where/when it was found and a brief description of the piece, THEN give a short analysis on its authenticity based on your […]

Peer review

Peer Review Form Authors first and last name: ________________________________ Topic of their essay: ___________________________________ 1) Overall strength of argument: The objective of this essay is to convince us that the author’s chosen place offers them the best chance of achieving the life they want. Keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how you feel about […]

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