Water pollution

In this unit, you became familiar with water pollution, drinking water sources, and drinking water treatment processes. For your essay, make certain to address the following components: the impact of soil erosion on water quality in receiving waters,the dissolved oxygen profile downstream of a wastewater discharge,eutrophication of lakes,sources of groundwater pollution,drinking water sources, andtypical municipal […]

Architecture and film

Review the following readings listed for Week 1 authored by your instructor along with course alumni: Anthony, Kathryn H. Learning from Hollywood: A Seminar on Architecture, Cinema, Environment and Behavior. Ricker Report. Vol. 3 (Fall 2020), pp. 174-191.    https://issuu.com/rickerreport/docs/ricker_report_fall_2020_final_condensed Anthony, Kathryn, Fernando Nebot Gomez, and Yashashvini Rao. From Gangster City to Gotham City: The Changing […]

News Article Paper

Find a news article of your choice describing a good or service (you may use articles from websites such as cnn.com or foxnews.com). Summarize the situation and identify what supply or demand shift factor is at work. Describe the effect on equilibrium price and quantity given the shift factor. Provide a copy of your article […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion Post Please read and answer the following discussion. Please make sure to include any links that help support your claim. Part 1:  (Main question)Research one newspaper or magazine article about the benefits of big data, the tools and technologies of big data or the privacy risks associated with big data.Provide the link for the […]

Music Experience Short Essay

Everyone has experience in music! Every member of this class has participated in a musical activity, either as a performer or listener. This assignment asks you to share your musical experiences and opinions. In a short assignment of at least one hundred words, I would like you to write about the role music has in […]

Chapter 10 reflection

I need a 2 page reflection on chapter 10.  The name of the book we are using is Groups Process and Practice 9th edition by Marianne Schneider Corey, Gerald Corey and Cindy Corey.  Summarize what what you’ve learned, what stood out to you and your thoughts and opinions on what you’ve read.

create multiple chose question

In this assignment, you will need to submit a word document with three multiple choice questions (each with four response options and the correct response highlighted).  These multiple choice questions will draw from material in the Overview, Class, Age and Gender topics, either from lecture, class discussion or textbook.  The nature of these multiple choice […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.Explain the quote below (3-4 sentences). The world is structured with a particular notion of unmarked normativity” ( from The Disability Studies Reader, 4th edition, Ato Quayson, p. 204)2. Siebers makes a connection between aesthetics and the body with the built environment. He refers to this as aesthetic symbolism.  What does he mean by that? […]

asked to respond to a set of short answer questions that will cover course material from Week 1 (What is Anthropology?) to Week 6 (Sex & Gender)

respond to a set of short answer questions that will cover course material from Week 1 (What is Anthropology?) to Week 6 (Sex & Gender) ***answer three in total, and first two “Foundations in Anthropology” and “Ethics and Anthropology” worth more. each question 300-350 word. no need for citation/references PART ONE Foundations in Anthropology: Answer […]


Research paper Abstract (200 words)The abstract includes 1) the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) youinvestigated; 2) major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis; and 3) a briefsummary of your interpretations and conclusions.Provide three keywords for your research paper. (Literature review 350+ words)A literature review is a survey […]

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