Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a paper in which you consider each of the following functions in turn, and identify the most important key recent development of each:  human resource management and development; civil rights, affirmative action and diversity for public organizations; budgeting for the public sector; public policy and management; and administrative law.  Write a conclusion in which […]


Topic: Border security has been an issue in the U.S. for a long time. What elements of border security are most important and why? Word count: 450-500 Use the following source: Introduction to Homeland Security: Policy, Organization, and Administration by Oliver, Marion, and Hill, 1st edition, 2015

Answer the following questions.

— IMPORTANT — Each question has a limit of 4000 characters which includes punctuation and spaces. 1) Why do you wish to study this program? What influenced your decision to apply to this program? (max. 4000 characters) 2) Are there factors that you believe are important/pertinent to the consideration of your application, especially in our […]

Podcast: The Mistakes New York Made

1) Listen to the podcast entitled, The Mistakes New York Made’, the link is located in the Week 9 materials content folder. 2) After listening to the podcast your post should respond to these questions: What stood out to you most about the differences in the level of care patients received at the public hospitals […]

Idea and a viable new business report of minimum 1000 words including PowerPoint presentation

Learning Outcomes being assessed:    Differentiate between an idea and a viable new business.    Demonstrate basic practices to support scaling, organizational innovation, and change management to benefit organizations and society.    Express how to connect innovation and entrepreneurship to their own career development and paths Draft a report of minimum 1000 words on the following:FYI: Points number […]

A Consultant’s Comeuppance

Respond to the following 3 questions for Application Assignment #4: A Consultant’s Comeuppance. Please refer to the PDF which describes the scenario. 1. Whats the main problem in the case? Why? 2. What would you tell Maloney? Why? 3. How can Jeff and his team avoid this predicament in the future? Why?

Genre Analysis

Overview In this essay, you will apply the critical reading and writing strategies discussed in class and demonstrate the value of a contextual approach when examinng the impact of one of our class authors, A genre is a form of communication such as a book, an article  , a blog post or a pub c […]

The importance of Job Satisfaction for the success of an organisation and how to measure it

The importance of Job Satisfaction for the success of an organisation and how to measure itthe report should integrate the following sections:  – Introduction of the main research question including a personal reason for choosing this topic (just personal interest)– Overview of the literature (at least 5 academic paper) that shows the current status quo […]

If Americans are deeply religious people, what does religious studies scholar, Stephen Prothero, mean when he claims that many Americans are also religious illiterates?

Students must use APA style citations in their writing assignments.  Please use World RELG4 Introduction to World Religions, Robert E. Van Voorst, 2020, Cengage, ISBN.13: 978-1-337-40505-8, as one of your citations.  Please submit an original paper (not previously written), between 350-500 words (1-2 pages).

The effect of Motivation on employee productivity

Subtopics:     What are the factors that motivate employees to work productively?                What are the available techniques for motivating employees for higher productivity for                         improving productivity?                What are problems undermining against employee motivation […]

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