Descriptive paper on Saint Joseph and the Infant Child

Length: 1100 words of text, double spaced, font 12 pt, Times New Roman or Courier.[2] Your paper will include THREE to FIVE footnotes referencing the literature you consulted. Please, attach a cover sheet indicating your name, my name, the name of our course, course meeting times, the artist and name of the work of art […]

A Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Neural Network Parameters using Python

“please follow instruction and make sure to update code ( required algorithm)as well” you should answer the following questions in Research paper with all the details. 1) Follow the  site given above and update code giving on the site and  answer the following. #1: What problems you are trying to solve?#2: Why are they […]


The assignment requires us to extract info from fred data base on the 4 US recessions from 1990 to 2020. I already got the numbers and pasted them in the excel file attached. Also , I already did the recession graphs with the numbers from the fred database (Recessions are highlighted in gray in graphs). […]

Social Determinants of Health: Race and Ethnicity

Paper should synthesize and critically evaluate all THREE readings that are attached. A critique explains why you agree or disagree with the main points and provides evidence for your position. Your paper must also consist of identifying questions that the readings provoke, critiquing problematic assumptions, and offering ideas for future research.

Research Essay

Research Essay on chosen Topic: Instead of a full-scale research paper, you  will be doing  a research essay, listing 3 recent, peer reviewed journal article sources in APA format. You will choose a topic from the Research Topic list provided which are Research Topics: Bereaved College Students Aging & LossYouth & Life Threatening Behaviors Social […]

Reflection Essay

Reflective thinking is a meaning-making process that analyzes a specific memory in order to understand oneself, morality, and the human condition.  A reflection is more than a retelling of an event.  A reflection is an examination of that event in memory.  If memory forms identity, reflection enables self-realization.  Everyone has memories that continually stick out.  […]

Analyze the relation of collective and individual experience in Gilgamesh

Analyze the relation of collective and individual experience in Gilgamesh. Attached is my corrected essay, to be rewritten and handed in on Friday. Please, I need you to follow my same writing style even if you integrate few small errors, while correcting my mistakes according to my professors correction comments. You can keep my whole […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

One of the most fascinating components of the change management process is the change agent. The change agent, who can be a leader, manager, employee, consultant, or customer, is a person who is often at the center of the change management process and performs several critical functions in the overall process. Address the following regarding […]

reflection about a movie

Each of the films listed below focuses on an issue central to women and justice in Canada. Please choose one film to view and on which you will base your critical reflection. Choose a topic that is central in the film of your choice (i.e., domestic violence, sexual harassment of women in policing, women behind […]

Week 10 Workshop Advanced Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis

Workshop: Qualitative Research Workshop: Week 10As Patton so rightly said, [Y]ou dont want to wait until youve collected your data to figure out your analysis approach (2015, pp. 527). You had some hands-on experience with this in RSCH 8310, in which you practiced hand-coding using two or more strategies described in Saldaas (2016) book. Therefore, […]

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