
  Conduct a Google search using, “crisis communication” as the search terms.  You may want to research a crisis at a nonprofit, educational institution, business, or political campaign. You may not use any of the case studies in your text. The recent Carnival crisis is a great one to use. Your paper should be 8 […]

T-Mobile and Sprint merger.

   1. Start by researching the acquirer and the target companies. You should provide a picture of what is driving their decision to merge. What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do they differ/agree in terms of management strategy/philosophy, operations, size, financial strength, technology, etc.

5 – Learning to Communicate Globally Through the Platform of Social Media

 Instructions When using social media, the communication barrier of distance is eliminated. This comes with obvious benefits, but it also comes with extra challenges due to the increased potential for misunderstandings with cultural differences and language barriers. The person that knows how to use communication opportunities will have a strong advantage in their work and […]

3 – Analysis of Marketing Campaigns

*Format in APA and don’t forget to cite your sources.* Instructions We have been looking at successful ad campaigns using social media. Let’s apply this directly and see how this compares with older methods of advertising. Choose a recent social media campaign, possibly one you interacted with. Below are some possible examples: ALS #IceBucketChallenge Always […]

Divorce and Remarriage

Your presentation will include 2 components: PowerPoint slideshow (75pts) Lecture (either in written form or audio) (25 pts) To do: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation.   All presentation must include: at least 20-25 slides clear headings/subheadings clear transitions from one part to the next clear content (e.g., clearly identified concepts, definitions, examples) visually appealing (dont use too […]

Environmental Science #7 Please see attachment

ATTACHMENT  Include an introduction to the research you have conducted. State your hypothesis, recap the methods, and outline the project design of the behavior change challenge assignment. State your independent variable, dependent variable, and control. Talk about any unexpected observations and challenges you encountered during the course of your project. Using three peer-reviewed references, reflect […]

Week 7

  Your assignment for Week 7 is to evaluate a sample improvement plan and then develop a presentation summarizing your findings for a particular group of stakeholders. Begin by downloading the following two resources from the Books and Resources section: Sample Improvement Plan Improvement Plan Rubric Read through the sample improvement plan carefully so you […]

Criminal Professionalism

This assignment of a five-page paper. The paper should be well-structured and should demonstrate your ability to analyze a topic, provide fact-based research, and demonstrate  critical thinking skills. The paper should be completed in MLA format. Points will be deducted for misspelled words and poor grammar. The paper should be typewritten double spaced, 12-point font […]

Criminal Professionalism

On Monday, April 4th, a police officer in Grand Rapids made a traffic stop for a faulty license plate. The vehicle was driven by Patrick Lyoya. In a short time there was a physical struggle and Lyoya was shot and killed by the police officer.  Research the case, discuss the details and offer your opinion […]

6 – Making Contacts for the Future

*Format in APA and don’t forget to cite your sources.* InstructionsRegardless of the career that you pursue or are currently pursuing, it is likely that the action of securing the resource of friends and professional acquaintances will be as valuable as any other action you could take. Part 1:First, take some time to reflect on […]

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