legalizing Marijuana and the economic, health, and mental health benefits from doing so

Write at least 500 words Give it an inviting title Identify and discuss a specific issue important to you Explore your own personal interest in the problem or issueShare what you know about the problem/issueClearly state the questions you are interested in exploring Be interestingtell a story! 


For this first Financial News Discussion, you will subscribe to and read the FREE Bloomberg daily news e-mail titled, “5 Things to Start your Day”* from October 22nd through November 6th, 2020 (or the dates of the e-mail from when your FREE registration started).  Then write a five-paragraph essay to post (not attach) in this […]

Payment Mode Analysis

Complete the Payment Mode Analysis worksheet. Include scenarios and reference page at the bottom of the template. Be sure to integrate citations for references and quotation marks when using the words of others. While this assignment is formatted as a worksheet, consider the writing to be like a paper where you paraphrase and cite, rather […]

Media Analysis of a Political Ad

Media Ad AnalysisIn this assignment you will analyze a commercial advertisement by President Trump or Vice President Biden and present a focused discussion on its rhetorical choices. Getting Started: This assignment will require you to explore your chosen ad on three levels: 1) as an attempt by someone to communicate something important; 2) as a […]

Current State of Information Management

Topic:  Current State of Information ManagementMust answer: How is information (data, use of technologies) currently managed 1) in your organization (dont share the name of the organization) and 2) by you in your work and personal life?Who are the stakeholders helping you manage information and technology in your work?What information?Who controls it? Which technologies provide the information […]

Book prcis

I need a book prcis written over the book Atlantic Virgina Intercolonial relations in the seventeenth century by April Hatfield. Please use the following link to complete the book prcis the correct way. analysis

how do fuel cells work- chem 2 – outline

Video link= How do Fuel Cells Work?Duration: 9:41User: n/a – Added: 4/27/08 Watch the video on how fuel cells work. Submit 1) an outline the presentation (50 points) 2) show the balanced chemical equation that was discussed in the video (50 points). How to write an outline An outline presents a picture of the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The paper should include the following:     Introduction     Method for conducting the study    Results of your research    Discussion, including possible recommendations **** Do not Include in the 10 pagesTitle Page    Abstract or Executive Summary    Table of Contents

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I suspect that for many of you the first response you had after watching Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot was, “what the heck did I just watch?” I suspect that many of you found Anna Deveare Smith’s work interesting/entertaining, but may have not know what to do with what you saw. Trust me, there is […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the essay topics below and write a three to five page essay on it, using the texts to support your argument.  Be sure to have a thesis that you are proving about the text(s). Also be sure to follow proper MLA format for quoting and citing texts. 1)  Discuss the role Unferth […]

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