Survey design

*Use links to help you with assignment Do not write in 1st person, only 3rd. This is not a story. This is a survey. Be very specific. For our written assignment for the week imagine the following scenario:  You have been asked to survey the general public about their attitudes towards punishing sex offenders. Based […]

adopting shelter animals instead of buying pets

I’m wanting to get an idea on how to begin my definition essay . I want to cover the importance of adopting a pet from recuse shelters rather than buying . The points I thought to make about was that buying lets say a purebred puppy could be supporting a puppy mill. Also how a […]

about Tuskegee

What went wrong?How do Tuskegee and other similar studies relate to current attitudes of African Americans toward research?Are there any current threats like Tuskegee? Could this happen again?How can Tuskegee and other unethical research practices be prevented?Why do we start a course in Social Work Research Methods with cases like Tuskegee?What are the ethical implications […]

Sexualization of girls in the media and its effects on society including anorexia

2 sources from credible websites and list cited sources at the end of the essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Need quotes integrated in make it as good as possible

Theoretical Orientation Development Plan Paper

Theoretical Orientation Development Plan Paper From what you have learned in this course, select a theoretical perspective that interests you the most. Please select one of the theoretical orientations covered in the lecture materials or required readings for this course. You must contact your instructor for permission to select any other orientation. In this assignment, […]

Hypothetical Case Study

Tom, 45, occasionally went to the casino with some friends as a fun night out, but lately he noticed himself returning there on his own, spending hours at a time at a single blackjack table. His friends asked him about it, but he brushed off their concerns. As time passed, he spent more time at […]

Look at the paper instructions for details

During the 8 weeks of this senior seminar students will, with the guidance of their instructor, select and conduct a review of peer reviewed literature related to the 10 substance areas (Note: All articles must be retrieved from the APUS online library). The phrase “peer reviewed” means that a publication contains articles reviewed and deemed […]

Free slaves

Examine the basic characteristics of the Jacksonian period Outline the influence of the Jacksonian period on blacks Understand the limits placed on free blacks throughout the north Including the development of black laws, disfranchisement, and segregation Discuss the development of community institutions, the impact of slavery, the relationship to dominant Assignment: A FREE PERSON’S CORRESPONDENCE—After […]

Suicide Prevention in the Army

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