application journal

This is a way to apply what you are learning to a team that you currently lead, or to which you belong. This should be no more than 2 double spaced pages each time and should cover one or two concepts that are contained in the reading for the session, discuss how you see it […]

The Life on Parole

              Divide the paper into two sections (a) and (b) respectively1- Part (a) of the paper entails you carefully and thoughtfully watching the Frontline Documentary Life on Parole 2-  (Video) to watch section of your final paper will analyze how the experiences of these parolees in the documentary are […]


Write a Report on some aspect of the the United States economy that has been impacted by COVID-19.  The impact may be negative or positive and you may approach this topic from any angle that interests you. You can research a company or examine a particular topic, company, or industry.  Once you have collected information […]

Speech Analysis Project

SPEECH ANALYSIS PROJECT Worth: 25 points Format: Times New Roman font, 12 point font, double-spaced is ok Length: Enough to effectively address all questions & requirements listed below regarding your chosen speech DUE: By [SEE COURSE CALENDAR FOR DEADLINE] by 11:59pm, uploaded to Canvas under the Assignments link Directions: Instead of making you watch a […]

reflection paper

Reflection paper about a bicycle simulation. what did the simulation reveal to you about the challenges/opportunities in building strategy that embeds sustainability?  What is your plan to embed SEER values into your career/company?12 point font double spaced containing full citations and references.

Literary Analysis

Textual Analysis Essay on the movie Harold and Maude link to movie  – Three to Six pages in MLA Format Dont write what you think you ought to say; instead, write what you see and what you feel.  Read a story and find the central message.  The message should not be a clich nor […]


Select a psychoactive drug that is of pharmacological interest to you, but not one you will review as part of your Critical Review or one that was included in your previous Rapid Reviews. For this paper, you may choose drugs of abuse; however, the paper must focus on the pharmacology of the drug and not […]

Ethical Hacking – Penetration Test Proposal

InstructionsIn the Final Penetration Test Proposal Template, add previous submissions, make updates and corrections based on the feedback received from your instructor, and add the Maintaining Access and Covering Your Tracks plans. So, your final proposal will include the following components: Rules of Engagement (from Deliverable [project] 1 – attached)Reconnaissance Plan (from Deliverable [project] 2 […]

Realism: US and China (To what extent is China a security threat?)

The extent to which China presents a threat to the US and whether or not China can rise peacefully is a topic of debate within realism and security studies. John Mearsheimer, for example, has argued forcefully that if China continues on its current trajectory, then conflict with the US is inevitable. To what extent is […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After reviewing the accompanying links, produce an Annotated Bibliography for a minimum of five academic sources related to your research paper topic. Minimum of 150 words per entry. Must be written entirely in your own words. No direct quotes allowed and obviously, plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on the […]

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