Understanding Fallacies W3D1

Identify Three Fallacies Once you learn the names of the major logical fallacies, you will probably start noticing them all over the place, including in advertisements, movies, TV shows, and everyday conversations. This can be both fascinating and frustrating, but it can certainly help you to avoid certain pitfalls in reasoning that are unfortunately very […]

Paper On Block Chain

     Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? […]

Pavlovian Assignment

The experiment should focus on a family member, relative, friend, or pet. Start an experiment “report” where you detail the steps you will take to “train” your trainee.  Make sure this has a basis from what you have learned in this module. Perform your experiment, setting a duration, as well as intervals to work on […]

Fund Of Data Systems

Amazon Databases (Aurora, RDS, Redshift, etc): If a vendor, who are the competitors to the platform? If a database technology class, who is the clear leader and why? o   Provide a page response at most! Provide a short history of each key database platform you’ve described o   A minimum of 1-2 paragraphs PER DATABASE PLATFORM […]

Discussion For Community Health Nursing

Answer the following questions based on the transcript whose link is: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/etc/script.html 1- List at least 3 things you were previously not aware of about global health that surprised you. 2- Give details about what was surprising compared to the prior assumptions or knowledge you had about the 3 things you selected. 3- How do […]


observe a child 10 years of age or younger in a natural setting (home, mall, library, etc). The observation should last 30 minutes and it can’t be a child you know. The report on the child needs to be 3 to 4 pages long. Also underline these titles as you write your observation (1-8) 1. […]

Philosophy- Ethical Reasoning

Read chapters 12 and 13 (pages 83 -97). These two Chapters discuss  one of the most important ethical theories (deontology, or Kantianism)  we will study. It is a good idea to take notes as you read, jot down questions about things you do not understand, etc. For your written assignment: 1- Choose one of the […]

Healthcare Administration Master’s Program Admission Essay

This is a 2 page Goal Statement for my grad school application.  I am applying for a masters in Health Services Administration.  This professional essay (minimum of two pages) should include a description of:– A significant professional accomplishment– Expectations of graduate study– Career goals. I went to college to get my bachelors in public health […]

the relationship between Seniors mental health and housing

This is a serious, scholarly term paper with a minimum of six scholarly citations required.  Students are required to identify and address an interesting topic that is related to the area of housing and communities for older persons.  Please do not select a very general topic, such as housing for the elderly.  This paper provides […]

ASsignment 1: LBS 3001

Part 1: Answer the following questions, from readings, in answer and question format: Many campus and advocacy groups are currently involved in struggles for a “living wage.” How do you think a living wage should be calculated? Were you surprised by the casual reactions of Ehrenreich’s coworkers when she revealed herself as an undercover writer? […]

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