Euthanasia: Just Or Unjust?

Since I am allowing you to chose your own topic for your paper, I expect you will already have some opinion on the topic. (For example: Writing on abortion as a pro-life supporter) Within your paper, however, it is important to look at both (or all) sides of an issue. Therefore, I would like you […]

Post Revision Assignments This film is about the final days of the war in Poland, focusing on the resistance fighters. It shows the complicated dynamics within a country that had barely been independent for 20 years before it was invaded and divided up between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. At the end of the war, while […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Task Write a 500 word essay, using the 3 articles that I attached on code and programming. Talk about the following in your essay: Essay Title: Code in Computer Programming Section I: Programming Languages 1. What is a high level language and a low level language? What is the difference? 2. What are some characteristics/ […]


1. From the readings, choose and describe four different factors that help to explain why poor and/or minority children suffer worse educational outcomes than do their class and race-privileged peers. 2. From the Frontline Documentary, A Subprime Education, list two reasons why the rise of for-profit colleges in America is a problem.  Some for-profit colleges, […]

3 page term paper on the topic of Remote Access Policies. You must include a title page and a reference page not included in 4 page count. You must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources.Your reference page must be written in APA citation style, Arial or T

3 page term paper on the topic of Remote Access Policies. You must include a title page and a reference page not included in 4 page count. You must have a minimum of 3-5 outside sources.Your reference page must be written in APA citation style, Arial or Time New Roman styles, 12-point font. Page margins […]

Research Paper

    Ask a question    Do background research    Construct a hypothesis    Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment    Analyze your data and draw a conclusion    Communicate your results

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Ask a question    Do background research    Construct a hypothesis    Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment    Analyze your data and draw a conclusion    Communicate your results

Government Argument Essay

Write an argumentative essay of approximately 4-5 PAGES, 1500 words minim,  which demonstrates classical argument form (introduction, arguments, opposing views, refutations, and conclusion) concerning a debatable topic relating to a governmental topic.  The argument must relate primarily to a government action, it should not be primarily a philosophical or ethical argument.  The topic could involve […]

Discrimination in the LGTB Community

The Week 3 assignment is the first draft of your academic argument. In this assignment, you will show that you are making progress in all course learning outcomes: Interpret information through close and critical reading.Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.Support […]

Theoretical Implications and Practical Implications

This is a real Dissertation: I really need you to follow all the directions closely. There are two sections to this assignment. I attached a copy of my dissertation paper entitled Track 3 DRP (you must read it so you know how to align each section together. PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if you have […]

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