Archive for the ‘Information Systems’ Category


  Week 1 Discussion: After reading the assigned chapters in both textbooks, 1. discuss how Web 2.0 has driven the growth of the web and 2. Describe three cloud-based solutions for individuals and three cloud-based solutions for businesses. Post your initial response to the questions by Thursday.  Return to the discussion by Friday or Saturday and […]

Avoid Plagarism- A Refresher

  Assignment 1: Avoid Plagiarism A Refresher Create a MS PowerPoint brief on the topic of Academic Integrity.  Cover (Course, Student Name, Date) Ideas/Concepts – Add graphics or screen captures if desired. One slide is dedicated to locating and listing at least three (3) UC resources that the university provides regarding writing assistance, avoiding plagiarism […]

IT Forum Reply / Question

Need a professional, critical reply to a couple forum posts related to the IT field. This will need to be 100-125 words each with references. Also, I have a small written task (150 words) related to IT that needs done as well. All information on the attached document. Thanks


You have read about server virtualization and cloud computing in chapter 6 of your textbook. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or other organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:   Describe the organizations environment, and evaluate its preparedness […]

Research: Technological Perceptions: The Debate

As noted by Janssen, Wimmer and Deljoo (2015), the technological debate centers around technology and humans, technology and society, and technology itself. The question is: Who drives technology? Are humans the drivers of technology or does technology drive humans? Does technology possess any values of its own and are these values given to technology by humans […]

Assignment 02/25

  In Week 8, you will submit your final paper.  Apply the feedback provided on your papers from week 2, Week 4, and Week 6.  Combine these three papers in to a single cohesive final paper. Make sure that each section of your overall paper includes in-text headings to organize the content for your reader. […]

Case Study

Read the  case study ( an article) iPhone Killer: The Secret History of the Apple Watch and answer the case study questions. The answer of each question won’t be longer than one paragraph ( 4-5 sentences) based mainly and exclusively  on the on the article. Be specific in your answers as much as you can. […]

Info Tech In Global Economy

As we know Crowdsourcing can be a very valuable tool for promoting and developing three main pillars of an open government.  According to the Executive Office of the President (2009), Open Government Directive, Crowdsourcing ideas in the public sector identifies and defines those three pillars as? Q1: What are those three (3) pillars of an […]

Discussion – 200 Words 3 References

 Special risk management issues with Blue Wood Chocolates, and it presents various financial risks at Kilgore Custom Milling. If Blue Wood Chocolate and Kilgore Custom Milling are to develop a risk management framework, who should lead the process at each company? Should a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) be appointed? If so, to whom should he/she […]

Virtualization Case Study

  complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or other organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts: Describe the organizations environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization. Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments. Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss […]

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