Archive for the ‘Computer science and IT assignments’ Category

Pokemon abilities

Write a command-line app,, that takes a single argument that is the name of a pokemon.  It then uses the request library and to query the pokemon and ability functions.  It will print out each ability of the supplied pokemon, and then the name of that ability in as many other languages as […]

code to check the probability of error on an election

I’m Brazilian, so I’ve translated myself the assignment file, so if there’s any mistake or anything that’s confusing please let me know. The code should be written in C. The function names should be kept  in Portuguese.n Also, it would be better if the code came with a commented explanation of how it works.

programming C language university assignment/project

Demonstrate the understanding of structures and arrays of structures, and  extensive use of functions; (C-Language)Demonstrate clear and elegant programming style.Get rid of all error messages.The output produced must be EXACTLY the same for every spaces and words.The solution should be saved as myass2.cI have attached a copy of the assignment handbook and txt files for […]

Homework in Java

Write in Java Part A: Update the java file names to include your initials at the end, send .java file only.1. Write in-place heapSort, which takes an array of data, convert it to max heap using bottom-upalgorithm. The expected run time should be O(n), where n is the total number of data.BubbleDown method is provided. […]

IT Assignment (Cloud Networks)

– Create a unique physical solution for a multi-building campus– You should use Microsoft Visio to draw the physical network design You should use Microsoft Word to provide an, explanation1. One-page explanation of the physical layout2. One page discussing switching3. One page discussing a topic that you would like to include to highlight some aspect […]

IT Assignment (Cloud Networks)

– Create a unique physical solution for a multi-building campus– You should use Microsoft Visio to draw the physical network design You should use Microsoft Word to provide an, explanation1. One-page explanation of the physical layout2. One page discussing switching3. One page discussing a topic that you would like to include to highlight some aspect […]

IT Assignment (Cloud Networks)

– Create a unique physical solution for a multi-building campus– You should use Microsoft Visio to draw the physical network design You should use Microsoft Word to provide an, explanation1. One-page explanation of the physical layout2. One page discussing switching3. One page discussing a topic that you would like to include to highlight some aspect […]

IT Assignment (Cloud Networks)

– Create a unique physical solution for a multi-building campus– You should use Microsoft Visio to draw the physical network design You should use Microsoft Word to provide an, explanation1. One-page explanation of the physical layout2. One page discussing switching3. One page discussing a topic that you would like to include to highlight some aspect […]

Operating systems principles test

It is an online test. I will give u account and password. Test will be taken from 1:45 to 3:15 pm on May 18. It is all about memory management of operating system. The attachment includes some examples of the test. Don’t use any resource from internet such as chegg.

Python project

Im copying the description, IntroductionThe game of Yacht (also known as Yot, and commercially marketed asYahtzee) is a game played with 5 dice. It is quite similar to the poker diceprogram that is presented in the textbook, but with a more sophisticatedscoring system that makes it much more interesting to play. You can readabout the […]

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