Archive for the ‘Software Engineering’ Category

computer science

I need help coming up with a  Pseudocode for my assignment. I’m trying to design a game of amazons type of game. It doesn’t have to be to difficult. Should be in C#. I just need help coming up with a good pseudocode. I’ve attached some more information on the assignment if you need it. […]

computer science

Module 6 HomeworkCyclomatic Complexity 10 points Building a Flow Graph and Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity, V(G)When you are doing white box testing, I am a strong proponent of doing cyclomatic complexity calculations and basis path testing, provided you have the time to do so. Since it guarantees complete statement and branch coverage, basis path testing gives […]


Construct a lighter and smaller Residual Network (ResNet) architecture.Train your network to perform image classication by minimizng the cross-entropy between the network’s predictionand the CIFAR-10 targets. As the training proceeds, plot the loss value and the classication accuracy on training and validation set,and choose the iteration with the least error.

computer science

I can extend deadline till tomorrow night if needed. The assignment is simple. I am trying to make a game> I came up with an idea and concept but haven’t gotten it all the way figured out. I need you to write down in Microsoft word or whatever you feel more comfortable with, a requirements […]

Operating Systems Assignment 1

Read the attached pdf and follow all of the instructions so the assignment can be turned in properly. Provide solutions to the conceptual problem and the reasoning behind it. Put all files including solutions and code into one tar zip file. PLEASE USE sample code provided in the PDF and fill out missing code to […]

computer science

Im attaching different separate sheets of info that should be all you need. For an assignment I need you to come up with a good introduction that will have “Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations – list and define all of these that appear in documentation, References – include references for anything that is trademarked or copyrighted […]

computer science

While I don’t expect you to have to get very detailed, you can see what the requirements involve right here in the deliverables file. It’s the first thing listed under the Programmer’s Manual. But to give it short requirements have the following sections:1. Introduction – This contains the scope statement that we made, definitions/acronyms/abbreviations of […]


Programming Assignment 1: Theater Reservation SystemGeneral RequirementsJava 8 introduced new APIs for Date and Time to address the shortcomings of the older java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. You have to use these new features of Java 8 to manipulate time information in your program.In your implementation, ignore cases to recognize a user request. Whenever your program asks […]


Assignment(5).pdf has the instructions.  – Needs to run on Linux– Functionswritten.cpp is a draft file with individual functions that I already wrote that will be needed for the & examples.tar are to check if program implemented correctly

Matlab Project problem

This is Matlab related problem.I give you to the a zip file and this file a matlab code” DetectDiseases_GUI.m” are gives me some error .when i run this file i got some error.”Classification diseases ” are not working properly.and all the project ” Detect.m” are not working properly.neural networking tool are not work

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